WorkShops & Courses

Love Owls?

Why not come and learn about them, help with the study of these amazing birds, help with the conservation.

We offer various Talks and Workshops and love attending various events – both indoor and outdoor.


Our talks cover our amazing British Owls – their history, toxonomy, habitats, population status, behaviour, their future and our work.

We bring along displays and our wonderful team of captive bred Owls for the audience to meet.


We offer pellet workshops where the participants are able to dissect wild Barn Owl pellets and discover what are forming these owls’ diets.

Pellet dissection is a helpful conservation tool and we note what has been found during these dissections.

TRAINING AND COURSES are currently offered to our volunteers and other groups we are working with.

We can offer tailored sessions for groups.

If you would like more information, please do email us.